Be The Ant

The Power Of Five Challenge - Be The Ant! | Shared Goals Consulting

It’s July! Half-way through the year, we bump into this lazy, hazy, hot and humid month. 

Most people I know want to slow down, sip on cold beverages, and wait on the humidity to lessen before they make any movements.

Scripture, though, gives us an example of a role model that takes a different approach in summer.

The ant.

Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, which having no chief, officer or ruler, prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest. How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?  A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest – your poverty will come in like a vagabond and your need like an armed man. (Proverbs 6:6-11)  

So what can we goal crafters learn from this verse? 

Well first and most obvious, we are encouraged to model the ant. 

In Texas – we have millions – maybe trillions --of little role models in our grass and on the cracks of the patio. The ants, when you observe them, seem to be hurried, diligent and purposeful. 

We are told to be wise – to learn from the ways of the ant. The ant doesn’t have anyone telling her what to do. She has no chief. No officer. No ruler. No boss. She knows instinctively what needs to be done and she does it. 

The ant prepares her harvest for times in the future. She will not be caught without sustenance. She provides for herself and the other little ants around her.

All of these qualities of the awesome ant are contrasted with a sluggard. 

A sluggard is lazy, aimless and unfocused. This is not someone who rests at the appropriate time. A sluggard wastes time. The end result of such wasted time is poverty and lack. 

So – what then? Are we not to rest when we are weary.  On the contrary.  

As a matter of fact, Jesus says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Rest is not the enemy. Laziness, aimlessness, sluggishness – these are to be avoided.

Which brings me back to July. In Houston, July beckons us to slow down and to take the foot off the gas.

I want to challenge you to take a different approach this month. 

Let this month be YOUR month. Let July be the month you decide to get ‘er done! While everyone else retreats – you advance!

There are lots of ladies who have checked out in 2020. It’s not what we envisioned when we planned our steps back in January, is it? I imagine lots of Moms and Mimis feel this way, a bit discouraged, even disheartened and that’s okay! I don’t think we can live during this time in history and avoid feeling that way some days.

The world has changed. Let me tell you what hasn’t changed: The WORD! 

The WORD is unchanging. It says in the bible that God is working all things for good. Do you believe that?

You know what else hasn’t changed. The universal laws that govern creation, expansion and growth. 

A business coach I used to have would say that an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. 

Substitute in the word GOALS for the word OBJECT. A goal at rest stays at rest, unless acted upon by an outside force. Your goals, if allowed to sit unattended, will not come to fruition. They just won’t.

It’s up to you to apply outside force via your planned action steps to get those goals moving toward the finish line.

Now – in July – or whenever you happen to see this – is the best time in the world to act on your goals.

If you feel oppressed by the heat and the drudgery of summertime – ask God to renew your purpose.

If you feel lackadaisical – ask God for strength and direction.

If you’ve lost momentum – ask God to help you move your mountain.

Remember, Jesus said, “…with God, all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

So pull out those goals and review them. Which one would add the most to your life if it were to be achieved this month? Which one, if you applied your next best action step this month would become a reality by end of year?

This is your time!

Let’s work on our goals this month with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Let’s not give in to the July doldrums. While everyone else sits back – let get it into a new gear. 

How, you ask?  We are going to use the Power of 5

In a recent podcast, I mentioned a mentor of mine who writes out the next 5 actions he needs to take to get his goal, every day. He doesn’t go to bed until he takes all 5 actions. That’s his POA, and this man is one of the most prolific authors and successful coaches alive today. If it works for him, it will work for us. 

Here’s the challenge. 

For the rest of this month, choose at least 2 days a week and write down your 5 next actions to take on any of your goals you want to. 

No rules on how big or small the goal is….just – it needs to require a series of actions on your part in order to be achieved. Commit to doing all five before the sun goes down on each of your days selected. Then – watch that goal accelerate towards completion!

What do you say? It will be fun!