Picking For Prosperity

Part 3 in a 3 Part Series on Financial Prosperity


As I write this, the panic over COVID-19 worldwide has not abated. In fact, with the dawning of each day come new restrictions on movement outside the confines of our homes and neighborhoods. 

One territory that remains untouched and inviolable, under our complete control, is the fertile ground of our minds. Praise God!

This series is all about abundance and prosperity and today, we use our minds to explore and appreciate the wonderful financial harvest, prime for the picking, that comes as a result of our goals, our actions and the favor of God. 

But first, a reminder. All of life plays out in seasons. Some long, some short, some intense, some easy.  In Ecclesiastes 3:2, it says there is, […A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.]

And Jim Rohn, a mentor for the ages, used to say that winter always comes before spring, and spring before the summer, and so on. He used this analogy to point out that there is always planning and plowing to be done before the realization of a harvest. Lean times are usually followed by times of plenty. 

With confidence, I believe that you have been doing your planning and your plowing. We covered the need to identify and prune thoughts of lack and scarcity to allow your mind to focus on what is possible. And may I say, during these extraordinary times this is even more crucial so that you stay motivated towards expansion. Contraction is not inevitable!

We also explored the concept of pruning away unhelpful debt that can choke off your ability to grow and thrive. At this particular moment in time, with easy money on the table from SBA loans and government assistance, carefully assess your options and the longer term implications before making debt decisions. 

We explored the seeds of opportunity that you can plant. There are multiple streams, multiple rows of income that you can work to put in place to provide for the financial goals you set for yourself. 

Eventually, the time to pick the fruit of the harvest will come.  That time may be now…it may be later. Every person’s harvest season arrives at a different time.

What will your financial harvest look like?

How much money will you receive from your employer this year?

From your investments?

From pensions or retirement income?

From savings account interest?

From alternate sources of income, such as gifts?

From your side-hustle?

What will its duration be?

Will it come in each month all year, or all at once?

Will it continue beyond 2020?

How will you handle the bounty?

My parents’ garden always provided them with plenty for now, and plenty to put away for the winter. They also gave away bushels full of their harvest to friends and family. They derived as much pleasure from the giving, more in fact, as they did from the getting.

What about you?

Does your budget require all of it?

Will you have extra to put away for your ‘winter season?’

Will you make investments?

Will there be excess to give to causes close to your heart?

Take some time now to think through these questions and jot down your thoughts. The harvest season is a time to rejoice and give thanks. 

I pray that you enjoy an abundant harvest season at just the right time. And remember this promise, found in Philippians 4:19. And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

If you have questions about the information contained in this series, then please feel free to reach out to me by commenting, below.

To a rich a bountiful harvest,

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