Speak LIFE!

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21 KJV)

 This biblical truth comes to mind frequently so let’s unpack it today.

How can something as small as the tongue cause death? How can it cause life?

The proverbs are thought to be a blueprint of wisdom for us to refer to in all of life’s challenges and opportunities. There are multitudes of decisions and choices we make every day of our life, and in times of confusion and uncertainty, the book of Proverbs is a good place to spend time to refresh and restore and renew your mind.

Our minds have two parts – the conscious or thinking mind, the one that produces our thoughts, which turn out to precede our words.

The subconscious mind is the other part. Our subconscious mind is both friend and foe. Why? Because it has no judgmental ability. Therefore, any thought you repeatedly think, any words you repeatedly say, take root….deep, deep root in the subconscious and from there, all future actions you take and emotions you experience arise. Therefore, the fruit that grows in the subconscious mind is either nourishing or poisonous. The words implanted there are what cause life and death as you consume them.

Mind you (no pun intended) your thoughts and words have impact on more than just your own private subconscious mind. Oh yeah – your thoughts and your words ping the subconscious minds of all who are in listening distance, at a minimum, to you.

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: speak life! Especially to youngsters in your environment. Kids younger than eight years old are most susceptible to the words and ideas that surround them. As little children, they have not yet developed the abilities common to you and me, to be discerning, to question, to refute, to reject, to ignore words they hear. It is imperative that we as the adults protect and nurture all young children with loving, kind, inspiring and helpful words. In this way, they shall eat of the fruit of life, understand?

As kids continue to mature, as they enter adolescence and then the teenage years, it is even more important to guard the words said to and around them. Kids that age begin to reason and use their logic but, if a repetitive theme in what they hear is that they are lacking, that they are unworthy, that they are lazy, unlovable, even stupid, then they mimic these thoughts and may begin to model what they hear. In this case, death of their spirit, their ability to dream, their use of their imagination in positive ways can be irreparably damaged. Speak life.

Guard your thoughts and your words around other adults as well. Not only yours, but the words others say too. This beautiful, smart accomplished older woman I know often says words to herself in the hearing of others like, I’m so stupid.  I can’t …., I just don’t think I could ever…  When I hear this, I usually gently but firmly refute what she said, and encourage her to say more positive things about herself.  It’s a work in progress because we habitually think and say much of the same things repeatedly. That’s how our paradigms, our intrinsic, deeply held beliefs and convictions, are formed.

Finally, notice what words you are saying to yourself. What do your conversations with yourself and with our Creator sound like? Are you planting words of life, of growth, of meaning, purpose and love deep within your subconscious mind?  How will you know?  Assess the results you see in your life.  Your life will ultimately reflect on the outside what you say to yourself on the inside. Is there any lie that has taken root in your life? The lie that you are unworthy? That you are not lovable? That you are incapable in any area important to you? That things will never improve? That there is no hope? If so, make a decision to do a 180 with the self talk you allow.  When you notice a negative, repetitive thought keeping you from the abundance God wants for you, then refute it in Jesus’ name. Replace it with an opposite, or better thought that serves you.  Repeat it over and over, as it is the repetitive nature of our words, our thoughts, that cultivates the fruit in our mind. 

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Choose life! Speak life!