What Would You Do If?

Can You Answer THIS Question? Goals Can Help!

Labor Day has come and gone and with it, we hope, the last of the 100 plus degree temps common during the month of August here in Texas. 

With clouds and rain in our forecast over the next few days, the hubs and I are giving thanks and praise to the Lord for weathering the heat with our littlest family members one more summer.

Goal accomplished!

Recently I was asked a great question, which I am not sure I answered well at the time, but let me pose it to  you:

If you were to get a check (new money) for $20,000 today, what would you do with it?

Now the answer to this question will be different for every person who hears it.  There is no one right answer.

You could, and should, pray about it. 

Here’s a tip though – if you have clearly written goals that address each of the five main areas: faith, family, fitness, finances, and fun --- then the answer will likely appear much more easily and quickly than if you don’t.

Back in the day, I would counsel young leaders to be setting goals for themselves in their career and other aspects of life so as to gain more control over the events of their lives. I would tell them that either they could direct their steps, or through my goal setting, I would do it. Either way, someone’s goals would be directing their lives, and I always felt it best if it were their own.

Back to our what if scenario…if you were presented with $20,000, and you had no goals for saving, investing, tithing, spending or giving, you can be sure your spouse, your family or even your impulse driven self would come up with suggestions or instructions on what to do with the money.

My advice: always have goals. It’s like going to the gym. You want to have goals and you want to have them for each area of life to stay balanced, fit, and strong. 

In the same way you would always work out your triceps if you work out your biceps to stay in balance, you would always have goals that balance each other.  

In the same way you create and execute a routine and a structure for your gym workouts, you do the same with your goals. Maybe you have a goal to set aside XX dollars this year, and you have a goal to give away XX dollars this year. Or – you have a goal to attend a bible study this month and then, discuss what you learn with a friend in the next. You might have a goal to help your kindergartener thrive online this year until school opens up for in person learning while you also have a goal to join a fitness class to create space for enjoying some “me” time – away from the demands of home and family.  

When you make goal setting and getting a habitual part of your life, great surprises like a $20,000 windfall can be leveraged for the goals that are already driving you to find more enjoyment, fulfillment and success in this life.

Going back to the gym analogy, having sustainable and actionable, written out goals, for which you are accountable, is like meeting up with your own personal trainer on a weekly basis at the gym. Your trainer would know what results you are seeking, the action steps to get you moving in that direction and would be someone who holds you accountable for putting in the work to get ‘er done.  In this case, unless you have “a person” you would be your own accountability partner.  Well, you and your planner. 

Let’s go back. You are handed a check for $20,000.  You have your goals for faith, family, fitness, finances and fun in front of you. Now you can see where it would give you the greatest reward, the greatest momentum, the biggest satisfaction. And….go!  

Do the work, my friend. Do whatever it takes to create the space and the time in your world to follow the Goal Crafter System. Then, when you have those goals you will know just what to do the next time you are in a position for a windfall of money, time, motivation or energy.